Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The "Beacon on the Hill" or the sewer in Zucotti Park?

OK, we've all heard -- to death -- that the 2012 election will be one of the most impactful in American history. True. Probably the most impactful since the 1860 election that brought Lincoln into office and triggered the Civil War.

It's because the split in the nation is very wide, an ideological gap. Basically it's two very different views of the USA.

On the one hand, you the tradtional, conservative view of America as the Beacon on the Hill, the Shining City that supports the ideas of personal liberty based on individual rights, free enterprise, private property and prosperity gained through hard work.

Then we have the alternative view as the USA no better or worse than anyplace else, just a difference flag. And accompanying this view is an equally false perception of the human race as stupid, helpless, criminal, and even vicious. This view presents human beings sort of termnally stupid and incompetent to take care of themselves. (Generally the southern planter's view of black slaves, I might add.)

Which do you prefer? Which best encapsulizes the way you view the human race and the USA?

The Comrade is s proponent of the second view. To his eyes, human beings are drooling imbeciles who need a ruling class of "betters" to take care of them. The flotsam clogging Zucotti Park and other places across the nation are an example of this view. Do they represent the great mass of the human race?

And noting this negative attitude about human beings, Thomas Jefferson once noted: "If men are not fit to rule themselves, how then can they be fit to rule others?"

The Conrade's going to have a real hard time getting elected in 2012 because it's very clear now what he thinks of all of us. And, by the way, how he regards himself and others in the "political class" as a superior segment of the species. His arrogance is monumental and based on nothing but the intellectual snobbery he picked up at Ivy League institutions.

Well, many of the Comrade's principles have been put into motion through various pieces of legislation, but mostly by decree. Have they done any good? Or rather, are they compelling the collaps of the nation in a heap of helpless detritus? The Comrade creates misery by making it illegal -- and at the very least morally questionable -- to behave like a rational and productive individual.

In other words, if you weren't born stupid and helpless, and actually managed to survive the public schools with a whole soul, the Comrade will force to behave that way -- or go to jail.

And because of all this, the Comrade has nothing positive to run on. His record? Of what? Deliberate destruction? He leaves a swathe of closed businesses, unemployed workers, and general trash and used hyp needles in his wake.

So the only tactic he can take in his campaign is to trash his opponents. I think we've already had a little taste of this regarding Herman Cain. But this is only the start.

This may be the most disgusting presidential election the nation has ever seen. But I doubt anyone with any brains or self-respect will be able to stomach, let alone support, these kinds of tactics.

Save the Republic.

Don't forget Rick Perry

In my little survey the other day about the current Republican field, I didn't mention Rick Perry. I don't think he's got much of a chance right now -- too many gaffes -- but he seems to have improved quite a bit from his first debate appearances, and I think he has some really killer TV ads going.

What I love about his ideas -- and I guess this one comes from his book -- is that as he says, he wants to make Washington DC "inconsequential" in the lives of most Americans.

Love it! I even love the approach and the way it's phrased.

I will also not criticize anything Texas does on immigration because they have a long, long border with Mexico and have been dealing with immigration issues in more depth than just about anyone else, and since Texas joined the union. Matter of fact, Texas' border with Mexico has had historical problems... but we won't go into that here.

Anyway, Rick Perry started off on the worng foot, just kind of got tossed into the pile-up while the game was in play. I think he's adjusting -- making him a pretty quick learner. But it may be too late to repair his rank in the primaries. The trouble was the very high expectations when he announced his candidacy -- before he was really up to steam.

I've noticed, though, that several other candidates have borrowed from Rick Perry. In fact, if the debates are doing something really terrific, they're providng a cross-pollination of ideas. Sort of building a platform as the debates continue. It's kinda cool to see this evolve.

Also thought Rick Perry was A.) way too stiff and formal; and B.) too pugnacious in the first couple debates. He came off as a kind of a bully. He's really not. As he more or less grows into the race, he's getting a lot more likable. He seems a lot more comfortable.

On the other hand, Bachman is getting more and more aggressive, it seems. And no matter what her point, if she's right or wrong, when she goes on the attack, she loses points -- for the same reason Rick Perry did as he attacked Romney early on.

I'm sure Newt Gingrich's "we're all in this together" attitude is something that went a long way to resuurect him in the race. If there's anything I really hate, it's to see the candidates attacking each other. I hope it doesn't start now between Newt and Mitt. They'll both lose.

Anyway just thought this all was worth a mention. I think Rick Perry is being underestimated because of the bad start. But I also doubt he'll be able to capture the nomination -- this time. There will be other elections, as long as we can stop the Comrade from turning the USA into a dictatorial police state.

And that's it for now.

Save the Republic.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Shifting political landscape

Well, interesting shifts in the political landscape.

Newt Gingrich, who was supposed to be completely out of the running a month ago is now leading the Republican pack -- even beating Romney in some polls. I've always liked Newt -- I wrote about that before. I think he's also kind of in his element at defeating socialism. I think he'd be a good president, I really do. And he's also pragmatic, something the Tea Party doesn't find acceptable, but then the real fanatics on both sides are those who simply refuse to deal with reality -- instead they believe they can impose their own order (or agenda, take your pick) upon it. Reality isn't that flexible. You pretty much have to play it as it lays.

Not slamming the Tea Party, just the way-right fringe (like the way-left now in the White House) seem to think there are easy fixes. There aren't. The Tea Party is correct philosophically, but it's going to take to some time to restore America. It really is. And one reason is because of the damage that's already been done. The OWies are symptomatic. What do you do with a bunch of brainless idiots who cling to fantasy in the teeth of the direst facts of reality? Outside of medicating them and giving them a padlocked meadow somewhere in the Rockies to romp around in? I don't know. You can be sure they will eventually self-destruct... but that takes time, too.

I was willing to stick by Herman Cain for a time. But now another woman came out today, talking about a 13-year affair with him. Who knows if it's true? Certainly the democrats wouldn't want Cain on the Republican ticket -- that would neutalize their race card. What would Janine Garofalo have to talk about then? And certainly the dems are capable of character annihilation -- perhaps more painful than simple assassination. I like Herman Cain. But looks like he's been liked a little too much. Honestly, it breaks my heart.

Also saw an interview with Mitt Romney, and like him a bit more than I have. Funny how everyone on the East Coast seems to believe Romney is the only Republican who can win. Well, no, not funny. The East Coast is so liberal mostly -- at least north of Atlantic City -- and I do believe even eastern Republicans believe they've got to run someone with "liberal leanings," or some kind of "moderate" in order to attract independents. The easterners, looking around them, regard independents as liberal leaning. I'm not convinced that's true. I mean, look at New Hampshire.

These eastern-based Republicans -- who run the party pretty much after all -- like other East and West Coasters, tend to regard the "Fly-over zone" -- that is, everything between the Appalachins and the Rockies -- as inconsequential.

We'll see. Personally, I wouldn't live in California or New York for any reason. And I don't think a liberal or even a Republican moderate has much chance of settting the South on fire.

Anyway, I still worry about Romney and I worry about him in the White House. A little isolated cubicle surrounded by media. And the media is most rabidly leftst. So who's he going to believe? And if he shifts with the wind, where's he going to take the country?

So anyways, I'd be happy with Newt. And it's mainly because I know he understands America. He  might screw himself up occasionally, but I think he'd be extra careful what he does to the nation, just out of respect for it. He understands what's at stake.

Quite a different scenario from what we have now, n'est-ce pas?

And Barney Fudd announced today that he's not going to run again. Gee, I'm sorry. I was hoping he'd get another shot at running the House Banking Committee to see what further damage he could do. Maybe grind the US dollar into complete dust? What a jerk. He should have quit 10 years ago -- if he had, the housing market would probably be in much better shape. Bye-bye Barney. Good widdance.

That's enough for now. Been working on another novel. And it's really shaping up. Want to see if I can get it out in time for the campaign. It's kind of a "political thriller," but knowing the way I write, I just won't be able to disregard all characterization and serious themes like the blockbuster type of thing. So I guess I'll have to publish this one myself, too.

Save the Republic. And don't forget -- WE REALLY NEED TO SWEEP THE SENATE!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Laissez-faire by default -- not

As explained elsewhere in this blog, like years ago, laissez-faire capitalism is when the free market is genuinely free. That is, not regulated by government. And compared to what we got, it would be nice.

The term "laissez-faire" came about when France's Louis XVI asked this Swiss economist named Colbert what could be done to fix France's horrendous economy. See, at the time, the French court had reached a kind of pinnacle of arrogance and corruption. Louis had enjoyed a privileged upbringing and was totally infantile, his wife, Marie-Antoinette, was a spoiled Austrian clothes horse, and everyone else at court just kept taxing everything to support their lifestyles. They taxed the doors and windows of peasant cottages, stuff like that.

There was also a rising bourgeois -- middle class -- of merchants, manufacturers, artisans. They were very hard hit. And complaining.

So Louis asked Colbert for his recommendations. Colbert went to the bourgeois and asked them, "What can your divine monarch and supercilious ruling class do for you to improve your business and your lives?"

The answer was, very simply: "Laissez faire." Which means, leave me the hell alone.

So fast-forward 250 years or thereabouts and here in the USA we have a dolt who thinks he's a king, and a "ruling class" (they wish) in congress who can't do anything but raise taxes to support their lifestyles. Gulfstreams, limos, $30,000 a plate fund raisers, union leaders kissing your butt, pharmas sending you on expensive golf junkets in the Bahamas, etc. etc.

They in congress don't seem to have time to spend on things like developing a national budget -- cuts into their tee-times and attendance at sporting events and parades. So they appointed a committee of 12 to hammer out some kind of a budget.

As Newt Gingrich pointed out not too long ago, the USA already has a committee that's supposed to hammer out a budget. It's called "congress."

Be that as it may, this committee of 12 is supposed to come up with a budget by the end of this week or so, at least by Thanksgving, or supposedly there will be automatic cuts in spending for the military and entitlement programs -- like Medicare, but apparently not aid to useless professors.

And the committee of 12 doesn't seem to be coming up with anything. Doesn't matter, because deep in your heart you know Brain-dead Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, will just table it anyway. The Senate already has 16 budget bills passed by the House, and the Senate is just ignoring them. They have their fingers in their ears and they're humming "Hail to the Chief."

So now the word is, maybe those draconian cuts won't take place, because maybe the committee of 12 will put off the whole budget thing until after the next election.



And you'd think if the government had no budget, we'd get some kind of nice, happy laissez-faire situation, right?

Wrong -- because where congress fails to legislate all the socialist crap the Comrade wants, he turns loose the dogs of his executive branch to rule by decree. That is, with no input from and apparently no regard for the US public. And congress isn't doing anything to stop these dogs of regulation, even though I'm sure it's entirely unconstitutional.

Here's an idea: Clean Sweep. Throw them all out, along with all the over-paid, power-mad anal-retentive nannies in the executive branch, and start over with nothing but the Constitution.

Sound like a plan?

Oh, and by the way, Louis XVI didn't pay much attention to Colbert or the bourgeois. Marie in her wisdom suggested that if people had no bread, they should resort to cake. And they were both  beheaded. And all the ruling class was beheaded. The bourgeois and peasantry had a positive Beheading-Fest at Place de la Concorde, a still-hallowed, large plaza in the very heart of Paris. The carnage went on for months. La Guillotine was invented specially to accommodate the swift, painless, and quite entertaining anihilation of France's upper crust. And their cousins, cooks, seamstresses, barbers, and anyone else who was a known cohort of anyone with even a drop of blue blood.

Just something to keep in mind.

Save the Republic -- but this government we can live very happily without.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

President rubs salt into wounds

Have slacked off on blogging lately because I've been trying not to be too insulting. Wanted to write about the Republican debates. It is so terrific hearing people who have positive ideas and a passion to promote American exceptionalism and capitalism.

But what drives me to write is actually the anger.

So Comrade Butthead has been blaming American citizens and businesses for being "soft" and "lazy," and most recently for not working hard enough to attract foreign trade. What the hell, it's not like blowing off a deal with Canada to secure a reliable source of fuel, is it?

Yeah, jerk, push someone over a cliff then holler down, "Why are you laying down there? Too soft and lazy to work?"

It's getting harder and harder to describe how much I despise this individual who's stinking up the White House, destroying the nation, derailing the future, undermining political and economic institutions, and now has the gall to blame the victim

He really should go live in a little pup tent with his loyal few -- the slimy so-called "occupiers" who have pretty much dwindled down to criminals, drug addicts, mental defectives, and die-hard mooches. The Comrade's true following. I'm sure he'd be totally comfortable with the dopers. That's the wellspring of much of his personal experience, isn't it?

No one else wants to be seen with that sucker anymore.

He's either totally blind. moronically stupid, or taunting us.

In any case, he's an insult to the nation.

Save the Republic.

Friday, November 11, 2011

President continues push to wreck US economy

Many months ago I wondered in this blog, "What would it be like to have a president who liked the United States."

Apparently we won't know until we dump the Comrade.

Canadian oil sands have been in the news for a time. It's actually oil in heavy sand deposits, and there's plenty of it. I believe we even have some of it in the US. Well, anyway, Canada is mining it, and was hoping to get the US to buy it and refine it. We'd have to build a pipeline extension from central Canada to refineries located around Kansas City (it looks like) and in Texas.

This project would replace a part of the oil we buy from the Middle East and probably South America -- people who generally hate the US and only want to exploit us, the US being an endlessly wealthy fat cat, you know. The project would also create thousands of good-paying jobs, and for that reason, the labors unions have been promoting it.

But the environmentalists are appalled. Involving the US in this project would infinitely delay our migration into residential tree houses in the redwood forest. Or something like that. Who the hell knows what the environmentalists are after? Some kind of anti-tchnology Ted Kazinski scenario.

So Comrade Blockhead in the White House, being torn between sucking up to the unions or to the environmentalists, has "decided" not to decide anything about this. He says he'll made a decision about it -- after the next election.

Well, Canada isn't waiting. Canada has a couple billion dollars (or loonies, in Canada) sunk into developing the oil sands, and they have offers from other nations, like Red China.

Believe it was Senator John McCain who noted that the Comrade voted "present" on this project, just as the Comrade regularly voted present on just about everything while he was in the Illinois State Assembly. After all, you don't want to leave a record.

But, Comrade Butthead, copping out is also a decision, and a very bad one. We won't forget.

Save the Republic.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The White House game plan

Well, I've thought about this long and hard, and listen to endless news reports, and have read Saul Alinsky. So I think the outline of the Comrade's long-term plan is emerging. I'll try to break it down into steps:

1.  Inheriting a big economic mess was probably the greatest "opportunity" (a la Ram Emanual) the Comrade could have received. It laid the perfect ground work for the rest of his "plan."

2.  Spend the USA into uncontrollable debt, disguising efforts as "stimulus" to get the economy going.

3.  Hamstring private enterprise so that there's no legal way for them to do business profitably.

4.  Meanwhile, shove through congress (while he had both houses in the first two years) every addle-brained, impractical, socialist scheme you can think of.

5.  Create a "permanent" class of unemployed and unemployable -- through destructive economic policies and by encouraging citizens to become dependent on the federal and state governments.

6.  Addenda to #5. -- prop up state goverments for the time being with things like Stimulus #1 and #2, which is probably never going to get through congress.

7.  Get Van Jones and the reconstituted Acorn organizations to go amongst the unemployed and unemployable, try to unite them behind some kind of "brotherhood of misery" banner. Maybe they plant themselves on Wall Street.

8.  Blame Republicans for all this. Or not even Republicans necessarily, but since Republicans are political rivals, they're a useful and available target. But also blame: the rich, Wall Street, banks, or anyone but the unions, the unemployed, and the unemployable.

9.  Comrade will use the "bully pulpit" of his position to try to whip up a frenzy among the newly-minted, permanent "underclass" in the USA so that they'll frighten and intimidate the rest of the nation into seeing communism as some kind of attractive alternative. The goal here is to incite social unrest, even violence. To foment a "manageable" revolution. Or even even unmanageable if that's the best he can do.

10.  Looking ahead -- phase out state governments and replace them with an overweening federal authority.

Ta-da! The USA is now a sorry replica of every failed state that came before it. All to the glory of Karl Marx.

But you know, Americans aren't buying all this crap. The OWies on Wall Street and elsewhere are starting to look more and more like a bunch of drug addicts, psychopaths, and professional mooches -- the kind of people who would jump in front of a train so they'd qualify for disability support. That and a bunch of really fringe loonies and whiners.

The Comrade's plan to achieve all of this in one four-year term. It hasn't worked. For one thing, the Tea Party. ("We shall not be moved.") Another big problem the Comrade has had is that, being Americans by tradition as well as by birth, most citizens -- even the dregs -- aren't familiar with the socialist-communist complaints and haven't figured out yet the communism is supposed to be the answer. Matter of fact, as every government "solution" fails, it becomes more and more obvious that government aid and assistance is the largest part of the problem.

So most us are sitting out here searching for the Comrade's replacement and wondering why the EPA has turned into such a terrorist organization in recent years. And can't figure out why we're buying foreign oil instead of developing our own resources. We're just not getting it. Duh....

Briefly -- all the crap isn't working. But give the Comrade another four years, and he'll wreak even more havoc on free enterprise and our tradition of a civil society.

He has to go.

Save the Republic.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

So the president is Greek?

So last week Greece almost defaulted on its loans again -- debt equals 120% or so of that country's gross annual economic output -- and even New York Stock Exchange traders got nervous. I think it's not so much that the NYSE owns a big chunk of Greek bonds or whatever, but if Greece goes down, it will have unhappy impacts on nations like Germany and France and others in the European Union, who have been propping Greece up economically. And the NYSE does hold a lot of debt and investment in EU enterprises.

So the EU struck this deal to bail out Greece. Greek banks have to accept 50% back on their loans, more social benefits will be cut from Greek life, and Germany and the others will kick in more funds to keep Greece alive for a few more months, at least until the next due date on their loan payments. Apparently the EU plans to borrow from China. Everyone cheered. The crisi is solved. 

Oh yeah? Well, the Greeks might have something to say about that. The Greek head of state has decided to put the whole measure to a public referendum to secure some public support for it. Good idea for him, since Greeks are damn sick and tired of having other nations threaten to stop paying their bills. At the prospect of losing their social welfare benefits, the Greeks have been rioting non-stop. Rioting has become sort of like a national sport in Greece. I wouldn't be surprised if they suggested it as an new event in the next Olympics.

See, in Greece, if you're a hair dresser you can retire at age 50 with a government pension because you're involved in "hazardous" work.

My stars. how then do they classify those dancers who break the dishes? Talk about life-threatenting work.

So anyway, the Greeks seem to be laboring under the delusion that they have options.

They don't. Except to go down in flames.

Not that the USA is in much better shape. US debt now is 100% of our gross annual economic output, and rising fast due to interest demands. If we drop another point on the S&P Index -- which is more than likely -- interest on the debt will rise.

And the Comrade is out on his little campaign tours, promising to pay everyone's student loans, pay their mortgages, pay for their health care and prescriptions, etc. etc. Now, in a truly horrifying development, the Comrade is, as we speak, on a jet bound for France to discuss the impending collapse of the EU.

No doubt the Comrade will volunteer the US to provide some kind of economic aid to prop them up. Which the Comrade willl have to borrow from the Chinese. Or, the Comrade could just let the EU borrow directly from the Chinese, but I guess that's too simple and straightforward. I mean, look at it this way -- the Comrade has found another means of saddling us with even more crippling debt to more quickly anihilate the US economy and free enterprise.

I think the dispute about the Comrade being born outside the USA just may be true. I suspect deep in his cold little heart the Comrade's Greek.

Enough for now.

Save the Republic.