Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oh, dem lies

Been incommunicado for a couple of days. My only media tie to the outside world was the radio, and that was bad enough.

You've really got to give the democrats credit for having the audacity to conduct what Hitler called "The Big Lie." Take Illinois for example.

First we had Dick(head) Durbin crowing about how the Republicans wouldn't dare try to "take away" an entitlement like socialized medicine. Yeah, Dick, you sure about that? The run-up to implementing that bill is four years of nothin' but increasing taxes and reduced benefits for the over-65 crowd.

Forget the liberal political theology behind the bill -- which is quite objectionable on its own merits. Think about costs, Dick(head). We will.

So big corporations like Caterpillar, AT&T and several others have announced -- as the law compels them to -- that they will be paying hundreds of millions of dollars for socialized medicine. Idiot Waxman, from California, land of fruits and nuts, wants to hold a congressional hearing, rummage barefoot through the corporate account books, etc. etc. Apparently Waxman is so stupid he actually believes all the Comrade's hype about how much money socialized medicine is going to save. He just can't figure out why on earth corporations would have to spend more for their employees and retiree benefits under a socialized medicine scheme. I mean, isn't it supposed to be free? 

And getting back to Illinois, Dick(head) Durbin's home state.... The guy who was supposed to run for the office of Lieutenant Governor was revealed to be a wife-beater or child-molestor or something. Anyway, he backed out of the race. So they held a mini-primary to find a replacement.

This guy named Al Turner won that little primary. I don't know much about him. He's from Chicago and he's black. I believe he's been in politics for a little while, though I'd never heard of him before.

But guess what? The dems decided that they didn't want to run Turner, they wanted somebody from Downstate. So they nominated Paul Simon's daughter instead. She's a law professor somewhere Downstate, and is in a band. That's all I know about her. 

Her dad, Paul Simon, was US Senator for several terms, known for wearing dowdy bowties. A super-liberal, I totally disagreed with him, but respected him because I thought he was honest and sincere. Well -- long story short -- he wasn't. Don't remember the issue, but saw him at a political event telling one story, then a couple days later on TV saying just about the opposite thing.

After that, I pretty much concluded that Lord Acton was right:  Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Paul Simon had only the power of a senator, but it didn't seem to do him much good in terms of integrity.

And The Big Lie? The Big Lie is the cost-savings and other general benefits we're all supposed to get from socialized medicine. You know, people come here from all over the world for quality health care. I don't know why exactly the Comrade and his henchmen are so dead-set about giving that up.

Except that he no doubt believes he can then direct even the tiniest minutiae of every citizen's life, and we're all latent welfare lay-abouts and welcome his close attention.

Yeah. Sure. I just can't wait until the election.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dirty tricks from the democrats

Rather controversial issue in Nevada, where sad sack Harry Reid is about 20% behind in the polls. No one thought he would win. Sorta like one district in Chicago, where the democrat incumbent had just been indicted and no one liked him anyway (mentioning no names.) In addition, as is usual in Chicago, no effective Republican organization existed. I was active in a third party at the time, and one of our more astute members noted correctly: "We could run a three-legged ape in that race and he'd probably win."

As it turns out, I do believe that was one of the most successful congressional races this third party has ever run in the city.

Anyway... So similarly, a three-legged ape could win against Reid. The only way Reid could win is for some "ringer" who claims to represent Nevada Tea Parties to woo so many votes away from the Republican that Reid would win by a plurality -- or simply because he gets more votes than anyone else.  Splits the anti-Reid vote, in other words.

Turns out, the guy who says he's from a Tea Party, his name is Ashjian or something like that, is a fraud and a phony. No one in the several state Tea Parties in Nevada has ever heard of him. In addition, Ashjian was apparently some kind of contractor and had his license revoked, and he also owes about $200,000 in taxes. Nice scandals for opponents to prey on, no?

But this guy does NOT represent the Tea Parties. He's probably a democrat plant signifying the pretty futile position Reid has in his own state. Who knows? Maybe the Comrade has promised to forgive the tax debt if this Ashjian agrees to help thwart the elections. Would you be surprised? Sounds like something the democrats would do, doesn't it?

In fact, a spokesman for the Nevada Tea Parties has made a little film or ad of some kind denouncing this Ashjian. DO NOT vote for Ashjian or send him money.

I would advise Republicans and Tea Parties everywhere to be very cautious about who they endorse to run. The democrats know they're going to lose big-time. They've been working at that since they took office more than a year ago now. They've done an astounding hatchet job on the USA in that time. They will lose and they will lose big. They know that.

So the democrats will pull every dirty trick they know -- and they know plenty. How do you think the Comrade got himself elected? They've shown to us all that they don't give a damn about the USA, the Constitution, common morality, or their constituents. If they can't win legally and fairly -- and they can't -- they'll cheat, lie, bribe, and God knows what else. I mean, look how they handled the vote on socialized medicine. Don't let these sleazebags come too close to your children. Heaven only knows where they've been.

If you can -- try to serve as a judge at your polling place during the election. That can help.

The Republicans know quite a few dirty tricks themselves -- they've been around the block. That's another reason to work with them instead of against them. Experience is very useful in politics because there's a lot of b.s that goes on that nobody talks about. You just have to be there....

So if you suspect underhanded tactics, talk about it. Get it on Fox. Tell the world: These people are liars and cheats and they're trying to destroy us. Say it loud. Don't let anybody get away with anything.

And it's essential that we get these marxists out of office.

By the way, the Comrade already has taken advantage of the congressional recess to appoint several of his leftist radical bomb-thrower friends to his administration. These are people who apparently could not withstand the scrutiny of a congressional vetting. Nice, huh?

Of course, what else would you expect of a slimy, lying, knee-jerk anti-American marxist opportunist? So far, he's just pretty much what I always expected. AND HE'S GOT TO BE STOPPED. Start by taking congress away from him. That can at least stanch the flow of appropriations to fund the White House's "redistribution" programs until we can vote him out on his sorry ass.

Save the Republic.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Bumbling idiots

Briefly, because I have a few things to do and no time to do them....

Just heard that Israeli Premier Netanyahu was set to meet with the Comrade, and he sat and waited for an hour while the Comrade went and had dinner with his family.

Yeah. That's the way to treat an ally. Kinda like giving the Queen of England a tape of your speeches. Idiotic. Calculated to insult.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, has been pretty much hung out to dry. She asks for sanctions against Iran. Yeah, because sanctions have worked so well in the past. No, she says, sanctions with teeth. Yeah, because they've worked so well in the past.

So when the Russians go ahead and help Iran complete processing weapons-grade uranium, and those absolute lunatics in Iran eradicate Israel, the Comrade will say, "It's all Hillary's fault." I mean, this is a man who voted "present" 80% of the time in the Illinois Assembly. 

Well, Marx (the man) didn't write down any talking points about a Middle East conflict, so the Comrade just doesn't know what to do about it. So he goes by his instincts:  If it's anti-American, embrace it.

What a knee-jerk jackass, huh?

What are the US's chances of survival as a free nation with this blockhead in the White House?

And how long can or will Israel sit quietly with folded hands while a rabidly fanatic mob of terrorists in Iran build up a nuclear arsenal?

Strikes me that the Comrade and Abracadabrajab are soulmates:  Both determined to do as much destruction as possible, and neither are willing to listen to reason.

I know the Comrade doesn't believe it, but it's a dangerous world. I fear that we're all about to tind out exactly how dangerous.

Sow the wind

If you want to track down the source of some incident or activity -- almost anything -- look at the results. That is, see who benefits from it.

Like congresscritters from both sides of the aisle have been threatened due to their positions on socialized medicine. Apparently one of the TV networks did a big "spread" on this, pointing the finger at right-wing crazies and painting the Tea Party as violent and racist nutjobs.

Now who benefits from that? The Tea Party? The Republicans? The network media, propping up their liberal political biases?

It's primarily the democrats. The innocent hapless victims who were only trying to do good. Awwww....

Anyway, I think there's a pretty good chance that the threatening phone calls, the bricks through the windows, the shot fired into Eric Cantor's office (and Cantor is a Republican) more than likely are inspired by the wingnuts in and related to the White House. I mean, let's face it, thuggery is their style. They've just shown the whole nation that they will stop at nothing to get whatever they want. They have no respect for the law or the nation, and they're the ones trying to make political hay over this stuff.

In 1930, just a few weeks after Adolf Hitler was elected as Chancellor in Germany, the Reichstag burned down. That was the German Parliament building. Hitler and the Nazis picked up a Dutch communist who was apparently simpleminded (that might explain his political leanings), and tried to pin the fire on him. Hitler also used the Reichstag Fire as a national crisis -- or as the illustrious Ram Emanual would term it, an "opportunity" -- to take on dictatorial powers. No one knows who really started the fire. A lot of people suspect it was the Nazis, since they benefitted the most from it.

Think that's what's going on here? Submitted for your consideration, that's all.

Actually, the worst thing I heard today was a voicemail directed to an Ohio Republican who voted against socialized medicine. The guy over the phone was extremely nasty. Apparently he was also extremely uninformed.... Like... Dude, socialized medicine is law now.  Maybe if he stayed off the phone he'd know that.

And I think the Comrade totally missed his calling. He should be a high school athletic coach. He doesn't seem to be very good at anything else except rallying the impressionable.

Iran is about to receive a nuclear plant from Russia; Social Security and Medicare both are bankrupt or nearly so; 10% unemployment rate; and the Comrade goes out cheerleading for a bill that has already passed.

Current polls show that the nation is roughly 60% against the Comrade's administration. That's not just socialized medicine -- though it is partly the result of how this son of a bitch shoved it down the nation's throat. However, what that 60% is opposed to is the general direction the nation is going. Now the Comrade jets around the country to rub salt in the wounds and kick up more dust.

No going back, Comrade. You've lost the hearts and minds. We get it now. We saw it happen. Now lie about it -- and try to convince us you're not a liar and an opportunist. But we know better now. For sure.

I think this guy is so far out of his head he's really dangerous in the White House, simply because the US does need a President, and this jerk just ain't doing the job. He's only promoting this old-fashioned, unworkable agenda.

And by the way, about those threats... Though I don't condone violence in this case -- because I think that's exactly what the Comrade wants -- it doesn't surprise me at all. I mean, if someone punches you in the face, your first reaction usually is to strike back. But if you want to really tick off the Comrade and the merry marxists, turn the other cheek.

That'll really screw up their plans, and we'll get them in November.

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up."

For those who don't read 16th Century English, that means:  "They have planted their seed in the wind and it will result in a tornado. The seed will not root, any buds will be worthless, and if they yield anything at all, the Red Chinese will take it for interest on the debt."

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

You say you want a revolution....

Glenn Beck yesterday suggested that the Comrade and his merry marxists are doing all they can to foment a revolution -- a really bloody revolution -- in the USA. I think so, too.

See, when you don't have a strong, positive, logical approach to life based on perceivable reality, there's only one way you can deal effectively with that reality:  bullying, intimidating, and trying to control others who do have an effective and rational approach. Similarly, if you can't win a debate with words and ideas, the dictators and despots of the world -- including the Comrade and his supporters -- tend to resort rather quickly to threatening tactics, and eventually violence. If you won't agree with them, or at least keep your mouth shut, in the end they'll just kill you.

But then they run into that Margaret Thatcher thing:  "The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples' money."

The trouble is, because these people are incapable of dealing with reality directly, they need the rational and productive part of the population -- those folks who don't agree with their politics -- for simple survival. The Comrade's problem is convincing the strong and productive that they need him. They don't. As a matter of fact, the socialists, marxists, fascists, totalitarians -- whatever -- prove over and over again that they can't make it without enslaving the honest and productive. It's the despots who are the weak, helpless, and frightened ones.

Consider slavery as it was in the US and probably most other places. It was, for sure, incredibly tough on the slaves. It was just as bad on the slave owners, perverting their reasoning, rendering them helpless and dependent, and useless in meeting the requirements of the real world. The slave owners were, in fact, much like the Comrade:  first of all almost unbelievably arrogant; and dogmatic in the sense that they never questioned the ideas upon which they based their lives, rather, they told themselves lies and continually supported each other in this weird isolation and insulation from the real world. And the slave owners were entirely dependent upon the slave population, though they convinced themselves it was the other way around. But they knew if slavery was abolished, they couldn't survive.

They were just like the democrats in congress now. They believe that if they can get enough people to agree to their silly drivel, it will be true. Like they're all sitting in a circle, holding hands and praying for the Tooth Fairy to solve the nation's problems. In this case, it's socialized medicine. Next week, it will be crap-and-tax or immigration "reform."

Sorry, but those things are not solutions. They will not and cannot succeed. They aren't based on honest fact.

Consider Gallileo. He got very interested in some wild and crazy ideas a guy named Copernicus had been developing. Specifically, Copernicus suggested that perhaps planet earth was not the center of the universe. Rather, perhaps planet earth orbited the sun instead of the other way around. Gallileo thought up an experiment -- actually an astronomical observation -- that would prove or disprove Copernicus's theory. Gallileo's experiment indicated that Copernicus was probably right.

Well, the Holy Roman Church -- which really was the most powerful political organization in Europe at the time -- didn't like that at all. They had preached and believed that earth was the center of the universe, mainly because the Bible said God created man in His image, so it naturally follows that earth would be the hub of all things.

They jailed Gallileo and I believe wanted to put him on trial for heresay -- or for generally disagreeing with the church. Gallileo finally issued a statement that said something like, "I don't agree with the crazy ideas of Copernicus."

That is, Gallileo backed down. Shocking? Gutless weakling, huh? No. More like he understood it didn't matter what the church said, the earth revolves around the sun, and there is nothing the church or anyone else can do about that. No matter how many choruses of Kumbiyah they sing, how many arms they twist or bribes they offer.

With implementation of the Comrade's policies, socialized medicine, his proposal to get all the illegal aliens to vote for him -- that is, immigration reform -- crap-an-tax, and all that bullshit -- it's all built on a warped and perverted vision of reality. If any of this stuff actually goes into practice in a major way, it will destroy the United States. Only the Comrade himself -- and maybe Michelle -- really know if he honestly believes in all the bullshit he promotes, or if he's deliberately trying to ruin the nation.

He must know socialism and communism don't work. They've been tried and tried, and they don't work. However, it is possible for a self-proclaimed "humanitarian" dictator to enslave a population under pretense of "doing the right thing." But that takes an army and some version of the KGB for enforcement. Seems we will have the IRS in that role.

I have to assume that the Comrade knows he's wrecking the greatest nation on earth, the only hope for humankind, the light of the world. He must extinguish that flame because it so totally opposes all the mushy crap and false, self-serving assumptions his life is built upon. He hasn't got the guts and/or the brains to admit he's wrong. He's invested everything he has in a piece of swampland, and dammit, he's going to make if work if he has to kill us all.

And I don't know how long Americans will tolerate this bullshit. I'm thinking the Comrade believes one or two more straws will break the camel's back. Someone will go nuts and make an assault -- and there's his Reichstag Fire -- his reason to clamp down some kind of martial law and name himself King of the Universe.

That's where this is all headed. It's also one way to avoid an election.

My advice: don't play the game. If you can't act in a positive way -- like campaigning your butt off for a conservative candidate -- at least resist. Don't believe the lies, but hold onto your own view of the realities around you.  Stuff your savings into your mattress. Stall, obfuscate, stutter, play dumb -- this is how the Russians survived under communism. "I'm not disagreeing with you; I'm just too stupid to comply. You can't shoot me for that." That's also how the slaves in the antebellum USA survived.

Then vote these snot-nosed rat-bastards out of office at the first and every other opportunity.

Save the Republic.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monkeys typing Shakespeare

You've probably heard that thing about if you sat a bunch of monkeys down at a bunch of typewriters, they'd eventually type out all of William Shakespeare... After they got done picking nits and all that. And, well, maybe not Shakespeare with all the words in the right order....

Anyway, I've been avoiding seeing and/or hearing the democrats crowing about their destruction of the nation. I mean, really, who wants to hear that crap? However, I did happen to catch Pazzo Pelosi trying to recite a few lines from The Declaration of Independence.

She tripped over the words, couldn't remember them accurately or their correct order. Quite obviously, she has no clear idea what they mean.

She reminded me of the monkeys with the typewriters.

Let's face it, Thomas Jefferson is just way over her head.

I shall refer once again to Mark Twain: Better to remain silent and let others believe you're a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

And what's with the giant hammer? I mean gavel.

At, David Horowitz's web site, they had a photo of Pazzo carrying that hammer, surrounded by men propping her up -- yeah, we've already commented on her vertical instability, like a top or a drunk. Anyway, in this one particular photo, Pazzo's got her head back, looking up at the sky, with her mouth open.

A friend of my brother once owned a turkey farm. He said all the sense had been bred out of turkeys -- they're raised strictly to produce as much meat as possible. He said his hardest task on the turkey farm was keeping the birds alive until Thanksgiving.

For an example of how the turkeys have lost their faculties, he said everytime it rained, if they were outside they'd throw their heads back with their mouths open to catch the rain... And they'd drown.

So for me, that photo of Pazzo conjured up a much more appropriate context for her than the steps of the Capitol.

What a big, dumb, soul-less phony she is. I mean, really really listen to her sometime. I've never heard her speak a sentence that made any logical sense. I don't quite understand how she could talk someone out of their vote, unless they just felt so darn sorry for her.

She needs the big hammer and the men around to support her; she's not really what anyone could consider a candidate for actual survival in the real world on her own. And she seems to believe that all the rest of us are similarly impaired. Can't see beyond her own limitations.

Like Freud and all of his weird theories, many based on his own personal experiences.

Good lord, wouldn't you hate to have to live inside their heads?

Monday, March 22, 2010

You weren't there for us....

Just brief and to the point.

To all the congressional ass-wipes who sold out the republic, you know who you are:

You weren't there for we, the American people, we won't be there for you.

And, by the way, you've been duped. The executive order the Comrade promised Bart Stupak isn't worth the paper it's written on -- law trumps the presidential wish-list every time.

And, heard from another congressman that according to Senate rules, the Senate cannot take up any reconciliation proposal that impacts Social Security. So it's very unlikely that the Senate will affirm the Reconciliation Bill, or will even consider it.

So all you ass-wipes who believed the Comrade -- you've been punked. Your divine leader threw you under a bus. You were useful idiots and nothing more.

Just like all the rest of us.

And you'll be out of a job, soon, too, just like all the rest of us.

You sold your soul for nothing. So how's that hope and change thing working out for you?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Federal fairy dust

Been watching the blow-by-blow reporting on the vote on socialized medicine. Shepherd Smith, whom I like personally because of the bear-on-a-trampoline thing, seems to be leaning left. Oh well.

Socialist-opportunist Anthony Weiner and failed vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro put in appearances earlier.

OK, here's my biggest problem:

The Weiner, Ferraro, and virtually every other person in favor of socialized medicine only repeats the same vague and silly argument. Picture the Good Queen from the Wizard of Oz in a fluffy white dress, sparkly crown, magic wand, and lyrical coloratura voice. She goes, "We'll just sprinkle federal fairy dust all over the nation and everything will be fine! We'll all be healthy and strong and it won't cost anyone anything!  OK? Go to sleep now. Your legislators will take care of it."

My problem is:  Does anyone really, seriously believe this bullshit? Honetly. I hear that drivel, and my first reaction is: How incredibly stupid are these people?

I suspect their motives because I simply can't believe they're that damn stupid.

What is conveniently left out of the Good Queen's fatuous promise is the question: Who is going to pay for this crap? Included in the bill, on top of the actual cost for health care, is the cost for 159 new government bureaucracies to run this bullshit program, pimples on the ass of the republic. (I thought it was only 117 new agencies. I stand corrected.)

This will destroy the nation. There is no Santa Claus. Start deducting 50% or more from peoples' paychecks, and you're going to need something like the National Guard on the streets every Friday and on the 15th and 30th of the month, in addition to 16,000 new IRS agents to spy on us all. (Easy solution: cash only.)

In 10 years, the USA will be Zimbabwe. Or more likely, Venezuela. The Comrade become an Harvard-slick effigy of ape-like totalitarian marxist Chavez.

Wait until you see your paychecks if this piece of crap passes. And then you'll have to pay more for insurance out of that. Odds are, your employer will opt out of offering insurance all together. You'll be lucky if you get to keep your job, or even find a job.

So let's lay -- low reasonable estimate based on past experience with entitlement programs -- about $4 TRILLION more debt over ten years on a nation that's just now suffering 10% unemployment and a serious recession that's not going away because of the democrats' rigid adherence to an irrelevant ideology and failed policies. Moody's is having a hard time sustaining a Triple-A rating on US debt right now. Add to that extreme and passionate public opposition to socialized medicine. No matter what this bill does, a majority of the population DOESN'T WANT IT.

Now tell me, how can anyone possibly believe that this legislation is going to do anything "good"?

Protesters still outside the Capitol. I love those guys. Wish I was there. Bet they're having lots of fun. They'll be able to tell their grandkids, in the dark, after ensuring the room isn't bugged by the federales, "There was a time we could have changed all this. There was a time we had political freedom in America. And we did stand up and fight for it."

Versus the democrats sorry-ass whine: "It wasn't my fault. Pelosi made me do it."

By the way, have any congresscritters considered simply voting "present"? It worked for the Comrade.

An historic moment -- like 9/11?

The air is thick with the bullshit flying out of Washington. Can't turn on the radio without hearing the grating voice of the nation's leading marxist. I can't stand it.

The Comrade and Pazzo Pelosi had a press conference Saturday, which I didn't listen to. Saw about five seconds of Pazzo doing her best Loretta Young-Mary Tyler Moore impression and changed the channel to the Game Show Network. I mean, Pazzo certainly is not a fresh, wholesome young thing. You can barely discern her bubbly personality through the Botox.

News reports say both these idiots were very optimistic. I just now on the radio heard the Comrade announce, "Do it for the American people," meaning, vote for socialized medicine.

Where has this asshole been for the last 18 months? THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DON'T WANT SOCIALIZED MEDICINE. How can the American people be any more clear about that? One report noted that between 40,000 and 50,000 protesters showed up for an impromptu protest around the Capitol today. And the crowd only got larger as the day went on.

If you can put a call out for dissenters one day and have that many show up, traveling all night from all over the country... Not "Astro-Turf," Pazzo, not cash-and-carry SEIU ringers, but real American citizens. Pazzo doesn't see too many of them among her following so she has trouble recognizing them.

And the Comrade just can't see the nation beyond his own knee-jerk ideology and personal ambition. He truly is a sociopath. A really monumental sociopath. Like a serial killer.

See, it's not enough to destroy the nation. The Comrade has to add insult to injury by claiming his power grab, his coup to destroy political liberty, is some kind of charity for us poor slobs beyond the beltway. We're just a bunch of drooling morons looking for a handout. 'Course, that IS his his voter base, no?

Heard someone call the Comrade and friends "political terrorists." That about says it. Preying on the weak and frightened.

And I may be indulging in some very wishful thinking, but despite all the hoopla -- or maybe because of it -- I'm not convinced they have the votes to pass socialized medicine. After all, all they ever do is lie. All they do is lie. How can you believe anything they say?

God, wouldn't you just love to see the bill fail? See the Comrade, Pazzo, Stinky Hoyer, et. al., just slowly twisting in the wind.....  Matter of fact, also just now on the radio -- two congressmen have changed their votes from "yes" to "no."

Can't you just picture Ram Emanuel right about now, eyes bloodshot, fingers bloody from dialing, riffling through the Congressional Directory for just a couple more phone numbers.

Had to laugh, they showed all these tubby little congresscritters being herded into the place where they held the news conference. They all had this weird stunned look. In the words of Abe Lincoln, they looked "like a duck that had been hit on the head."

They were not enthusiastic. They looked like they didn't really want to be seen there, and certainly did not want to have their attendance broadcast nationwide. I expected them to pull out fedoras and hide their faces.

The Comrade may have promised to campaign for these blockheads as part of the bribery and other near-and-or-actual criminal activity extended for their votes. Let's hope he does campaign for them. So far, everyone the Comrade has campaigned for has lost their election -- Virginia, New Jersey, Massachusetts. That's a perfect 3 and 0.

And the Comrade just doesn't get it: Nobody loves him anymore. For his own peace of mind, and to really help the nation, he should resign. And take his marxist toadies with him.

My God, then we'd have to deal with Biden for the next three years. Just slap some duct tape over his mouth and Biden might work....

Don't know about you, but if that bill passes, I will never buy health insurance.

And I'd advise everyone to start figuring out now how they can switch their finances to a strictly cash basis. Just until the next election.

Another thing the Comrade hasn't figured out yet -- We are America. We will survive. Without him.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Outa my face, please

The Comrade is on TV right now, spewing lies and false promises from some pulpit at George Mason University.

A disgrace on several levels. First, that such a marxist pig could be elected in the USA. Two, that an organization named after George Mason, who was recognized as the expert on the law in colonial America and was one of the Founding Fathers, would entertain such a piece of crap.

The 19-year-olds are cheering. Figures. They're naive and inexperienced. Wait until they work 40 hours and get a look at how little they get to take home from it. If the Comrade stood up in front of grown-ups right now, he'd be the target of rotten tomatoes and other garbage.

Pazzo Pelosi was on TV prior to the Comrade.

All in all, I'm having a very hard time keeping my breakfast down this morning. Love it... a reporter asked Pazzo about the Doctor Fix. In a characteristic irrelevant and useless response, she said, "Let's not call it the Doctor Fix."

No, let's not call it the Doctor Fix.  If this bill is forced upon the population, it will be called more properly, the chief reason we have months-long waiting lines for incompetent health care in the USA. Because Pelosi really "fixed" the doctors this time.

All your fault, you silly twit. All your fault. Pazzo will go down in history as a leading archetect of totalitarianism in the USA. One individual more responsible than most for destroying the nation and the hope of the world. With some good fortune, we may find her hanging upside down, like Mussolini. I'll be the one dancing on her grave.

I'm on another floor from the TV, and still I can hear the Comrade ranting and blustering. God, he reminds me so much of Adolf Hitler. On so many levels.

All for now.... I'd answer any of the reasonable points the chief blockheads made in their public appearances, but they don't make any reasonable points. They really aren't even worth listening to. Neither one has ever had an original thought, or any thought that commands any serious attention.

What is of serious concern is the resources behind them. Those were loaned to them by American voters, and they will be taken away.

Fear and loathing in the USA

Listening to Mark Levin on the radio tonight. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) called in. In 15 minutes, they totaled up about $1 TRILLION in costs for socialized medicine that have been hidden or omitted from the bill. The "unhidden" or perhaps "irrefutable" costs are $940 BILLION. And of course, that's based on the feds collecting a certain level of taxation -- never happen in this climate -- and a bunch of others if's and maybe's.

In addition, two congressmen who are retiring after this term have been promised cushy federal jobs -- if they vote for the socialized medicine bill. Both of them voted "no" previously; both have apparently agreed to vote "yes" this time.

Bundled into the socialized medicine bill is another measure that places all student loans under authority of the federal government. That is, the loans won't be admnistered by banks or anyone else. It will be the federal government who decides who gets the loans and the terms of the loans.

(Why am I hearing that chant in the back of my head from those third-graders... "Barack Huseein Obama....")

BUT.... there is one bank in North Dakota that can continue to process student loans. One bank in the whole country. Paul Ryan wasn't certain what that was all about, but there is only one House Rep from North Dakota. Do ya think maybe the White House is sending him a message?

Paul Ryan concluded about all this, "This is not about health care; it's about ideology."

This is the way Comrade clamps down on US liberty and makes us all slaves of the state.

This is also going to totally bankrupt the USA and put us under the thumb of Red China and other debtors. There is no working or growing our way out of this kind of debt. This is perennial, forever. This destroys the United States as a sovereign nation and binds all citizens to a never-ending and ever-increasing tax burden.


The Republicans, led by Tom Coburn -- Senator from Georgia, I believe. I know he's a doctor -- stated in a press conference today that the Senate will be very closely scrutinizing any deals made, such as those listed above, and the bribes won't be allowed. So those bought-off congressmen will just be useless cast-off whores who sold out their country for nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Benedict Arnolds. He ended up dying in abject poverty in a London hovel.

One thing you can be totally certain of:  If a person sells out, no one will ever trust him again, least of all the people who bought him -- they know him too well. Just something to keep in mind.

Take a deep breath. Pretend you've been on safari or something for the last 18 months or so. Now open your eyes.

Can you believe what the Comrade, Pelosi, and Reid are doing to this country? Can you absolutely believe it?

We're in the middle of a totalitarian take-over. Right in the middle of it.

Germans voted for Hitler, you know. History repeats -- especially among blockheads who refuse to study it and heed its lessons.

The Tea Parties are predictable: upright and concerned American citizens speaking out. The fact that their representatives ignore them and/or are so quick to sell them out is the absolutely shocking and appalling thing. Who are these people and why are we paying their salaries?

Many thanks, by the way, to Mark Levin for preparing a Constitutional law suit to challenge deem-and-pass.

Many thanks also to Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) who refuses to vote "yes" on the bill because the Senate bill has no anti-abortion guarantees and, in fact, promises to fund abortion with public money. Stupak says he and his family are being harrassed constantly. They've had to turn off their telephones. No doubt the SEIU Purple Shirts are getting time-and-a-half.

On top of that, some reps who've been called in for a little talk with the Comrade have reported unofficially that the Comrade is claiming that his entire presidency is at stake with the success or failure of socialized medicine. So it's all about supporting the Comrade, and to hell with the Republic.

Remember rule by law, not by man? Another one bites the dust?

There is no escape from all of this b.s. It's our future. We have an obligation to do something. To act to correct things. I can't write what's on my mind right now. I'd be arrested. Which is really kinda sadly ironic, considering that it's the government that's outside the law these days. But we all have to deal with this reality.

Will say one thing I learned about public relations: Never, ever, corner your opponent. Never leave him without options. If you trap someone in a corner, he has no choice but to attack you.

The White House might consider that.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The "process" IS the Constitution

Saw the Comrade on Fox tonight. He, like Pazzo Pelosi, blows off congressional legislative "process" as some trivial technicality. Actually, the legislative process is the US Constitution. And he supposedly taught constitutional law? Where? At one of those correspondence schools that used to be advertised on matchbook covers? (GET YOUR JDL AT DAVE'S EMPORIUM OF HIGHER EDUCATION! That's right! In six months you, too, can be a practicing attorney!)

I understand that neither the Comrade nor Pelosi has any regard whatsoever for the US Constitution. It only gets in the way of their appetite for power. But the Constitution was written forthrightly and transparently for the purpose of limiting the reach and scope of the federal government, thereby preserving the rights of individuals.

Something I've noticed over several decades and a half-dozen different administrations, is that when the people in office start whining about the limits imposed by the US Constitution, it means they're over-reaching and probably need to retire -- or maybe buy an island in the South Pacific and lord over the starfish.

So let's review. Every poll that's come out for at least the last six months has indicated that the majority of US citizens are not in favor of either the House or the Senate socialized medicine bills. The Comrade says that's because we simply don't understand them. He's delivered about 40 speeches explaining the whole concept, and no one seems to understand it yet.

Additionally, having seen him discuss "his" health care reform bill last summer sometime.... his conception of the legislation didn't in any way resemble what was being bandied about in the House at the time. Get the feeling that the Comrade is perhaps more confused than anyone else about the impending legislation? But, you know, the Comrade proposes; Congress disposes. He's above the nuts and bolts. He's just the idea man.

At any rate, so here we have these extremely unpopular proposals. If any congresscritter does not yet understand that a "yes" vote for this crap ensures the end of his/her career, they must have been incommunicado in Timbuktu for the last 18 months.

Pazzo doesn't have the votes to pass the Senate bill, which isn't quite socialist enough for the leftist loonies in the House. The Senate certainly couldn't accept the House bill.  (No one in their right mind could.)

So, Pazzo, displaying her absolutely anal commitment to wielding whatever little power she believes she has, has determined that she will get the Senate bill through the House WITHOUT A VOTE. Just wave your magic wand, Pazzo, and make it so.

This rabbit-out-of-a-hat "process" is called "deem and pass," or "demon piss," whichever seems most appropriate. Do believe I described this before. The House develops a reconciliation bill to "fix" whatever they don't like in the Senate bill. They pretend the Senate bill has passed the House, vote for the reconciliation bill, and -- poof! -- both the Senate bill and the reconciliation are all done and only await the Comrade's signature.

The only problem with this is that it violates the US Constitution.

The Comrade doesn't have a problem with that. Not surprised. He doesn't seem to have much use for the United States at all. He'd really be much more comfortable under a palm tree in some third-world armpit, intimidating the natives with a stern and disapproving glare.

His attitude doesn't work very well in the USA, though. Saw Brett Baier interview him tonight, and it's hard not to feel sorry for him -- the Comrade, that is. First, he couldn't come up with any kind of intelligible explanation of why the $500 billion cut from Medicare gets counted and spent twice. Then when asked about the "Doctor Fix," he reverted to blaming all that on George Bush.

You know what, it doesn't matter if the $250 billion "Doctor Fix" has been done by Bush and/or even by Clinton -- it still has to be paid. It will still add to the monumental cost for socialized medicine, and bring the total over $1 TRILLION -- and that just on paper. In real life, multiply by three or four, at least. That's what's always happened before with entitlement programs.

But perhaps the Comrade plans to stiff physicians. And apparently physicians suspect that's just exactly what's going to happen. A poll that came out yesterday said that 30% of practicing doctors said they'd leave the profession if socialized medicine is enacted; today another poll reported that 46% of physicians would at least "consider" leaving the profession if the USA socializes medicine.

Then last night Greta Van Susteren interviewed Paul Ryan (R-Wisc), who serves on the House Budget Committee. The budget committee is devising the House reconciliation bill to fix the Senate bill and is looking at various proposals. Paul Ryan said the Comrade wants to change the role of the Health Care Czar under reconciliation. The Comrade wants to give the Health Care Czar the power to set pricing for private health insurance policies.

Ryan noted that giving the Health Care Czar that power would effectively resurrect the "public option." A Health Care Czar could -- and if he's chosen by the Comrade, he definitely would, remember Van Jones -- price private insurance so high we'd be begging for a public option -- or single-payer, straight-up nationalized health insurance. It works so well in the UK and in Canada.

What a bunch of stinking bastards, n'est-ce pas? (Not Paul Ryan. He's a sweetie.)

So, until these creeps leave office, we will have a continuing battle to protect some semblance of American exceptionalism, that is, respect for humanity and individual rights. That is, political liberty, however little of it remains in this country today.

Thomas Jefferson said that the cost of libertry is eternal vigilance. Yup. Have to watch these slimy sons of bitches every minute.

And as for Natoma Canfield, or whomever... the woman with leukemia who had to choose between buying health insurance or selling her house... you know, the one the Comrade put on display as an example of the "needy"... If we are all compelled to buy health insurance, I won't be able to pay my mortgage. I'll be living out of a shopping cart at State & Madison... and I don't think I'll be alone there.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dear Ms. Bean....

Mellissa Bean
US House of Representatives
8th District, Illinois

Dear Ms. Bean:

I gave up trying to contact you. Actually, I found it quite insulting to receive your response about the socialized medicine bill -- talking points from Pelosi's handout, no doubt.

My question for you today is: Do you really want to be remembered for all posterity as one of those blockhead congresspeople who DID NOT EVEN VOTE to destroy the republic?

How can you justify to yourself your support for this? How do you look at yourself in the mirror every morning?

I understand you have no courage and ever less brains, but no respect for the United States and the principles behind it? Why on earth did you involve yourself in politics? Or do you view your "job" as carrying Nancy Pelosi's train?

I don't expect you to change your vote. As mentioned above, you haven't displayed any courage yet. But just so you know -- you aren't fooling anyone, and neither is Pelosi.

This socialized medicine bill directly contradicts the will of the people, and you're having to violate the Constitution to get it through the House. (I won't say "pass" it through the house, except in the same way you might pass gas.)

Here's hoping you lose the election in November. I'll be doing everything I can to help defeat your incompetent and useless seat-warming ass.


This is for the patriots

This first part is for the real patriots who work so tirelessly to support the republic, who labor so mightily to try to reason with the blockheads in Washington. A well-intentioned but ultimately futile effort, just knocking their heads against a wall.

In 1951, an Irish poet named Dylan Thomas wrote a lovely poem about death. Here are a couple of famous lines from it in honor of St. Pat's Day. They seem to apply the current political situation in the USA today.
Do not go gentle into that good night...
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And thanks for trying!

* * *

The idiots in DC abandoned the concept of individual rights long ago when it got in the way of their power grabs, and they apparently are abandoning even democracy now because it isn't working in favor of their grandiose, power-mad schemes. They have absolutely no understanding of or appreciation for the greatness of American ideals. Pearls before swine.

Is "NO" all that hard to grasp? No wonder they have to much trouble trying to figure out the US Constitution. I would guess you'd have to be at least semi-literate to get through that, so certainly Pazzo Pelosi doesn't qualify. Picture a chimp trying, first of all, to eat it. I mean, what good is it?

Can't even credit the liberals with treason. They're simply too damn stupid to understand and too neurotic to admit anything exists beyond their tiny little brains.

Kinda like when a puppy pees on the carpet. He doesn't have the sense to know he's doing wrong.

So here's Pazzo, raising a leg to piss on the Constitution. Let's rub her nose in it and lock her outside. Or, better yet, tie her into a burlap sack and toss her over the railing into San Francisco Bay.

Sound like a plan?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lighting the Reichstag fire

With a majority of US citizens and voters AGAINST socialized medicine, Pazzo Pelosi continues her sick and twisted machinations to jam the bill through congress over those objections, as well as representatives' apprehensions that if they vote "yes," they'll be thrown out on their asses in the November elections. So she's conjured up some new b.s. called "deeming" to ram the bill through without a vote.

Yeah. Without a vote. No one is responsible or accountable. Shit happens. What can you do?

We can vote you blockheads out, anyway, just for the hell of it, that's what we can do. If the nation survives until November. If the Comrade doesn't find some reason to cancel the elections. Like, US citizens have been naughty.

I think Nancy belongs in Venezuela. She'd feel much more at home there, servicing Chavez. I mean, if she likes the Comrade, she'd love a guy who rules with an iron fist without bothering with the velvet glove. She probably gets a tingle up her leg just thinking about it.

With the deeming process, if I understand it right, the House will consider some other bill that mentions the Senate socialized medicine bill in passing. So reps vote on the second bill and simply assume that the Senate bill has passed. Then, voila!, the Comrade signs the second bill and both become law.

And the republic dies on the side of the road, having outlived its "one brief shining moment...."

"Deeming" is what the Comrade does all the time. He doesn't question whether or not citizens want totalitarian communism in the USA; he doesn't ask because if he's honest, he knows what the answer will be. So he just assumes they do and acts on that premise. He thinks we're all too stupid to know where he's coming from, so he can slip his storm trooper controls over all of us and we won't notice. Apparently Pazzo Pelosi shares his views and supports this tactic.

Gutless, pathetic power-hungry slobs. They are underestimating the people and the strength of our tradtions. And it's painfully obvious they don't have a clue what those traditions are.

I don't want a bloody revolution because I suspect the blackguards who are provoking one -- the Comrade and his minions -- are just praying for such a national emergency so they'd have an excuse to slam down some kind of fascism openly and forthrightly. Think "Reichstag Fire" and Ram Emanual's fondness for crises. However, whether the military would go along with this remains to be seen. I suspect not. And I don't think SEIU's Purple Shirts would be an effective police force. Not unless they get triple-time and extra vacation.

However, the Comrade and merry marxists are pushing all this socialist crap to the point where violence of some sort may be the only way to get rid of them.

I'd prefer to see a national strike for a day or two. Let's just shut it all down on April 15, whaddaya think? Just stay home. Give everyone a day off. Dont' shop. Just stay home and maybe email your congressman for whatever that's worth, since they don't give a damn what we think anyway. A general strike is one way to display the power of the people peacefully.

And again, and since this all began, the question is: Why?

The USA has been the light of the world.

You'd have to be a pretty vile, evil and disgusting piece of crap to want to destroy it. But I guess that just about sums up this White House, Pelosi, Reid, and all of their supporters. Sick, power-hungry, and paranoid -- as in "delusions of grandeur."

They deserve what they'll get.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Half-baked liberal morality

Interesting.... when the dems run out of logic and reason, they go for morality. Or try to. But it's a kind of nonsensical morality, like putting a Band-Aid on an amputation. It never works really well and in the end, they kill the patient.

The pro-socialized medicine argument-of-the-week from dems is that socialized medicine is the "right" thing to do. What a load of garbage.
  • Socialized medicine eliminates peoples' choices of health care providers and therapies;
  • Socialized medicine eliminates physicians' choices of therapy and patients;
  • Socialized medicine generates shortages and rationing;
  • Socialized medicine reduces the likelihood of medical innovation and research;
  • Socialized medicine relieves health care providers of liability for what they do;
  • Socialized medicine is bankrupting several nations now, and so is Medicare in the USA;
  • Socialized medicine swamps medical facilities with trivial complaints -- what the hell, you're paying for it whether you want to or not, might as well take advantage;
  • Socialized medicine eliminates the incentives of income and status for health care providers;
  • Socialized medicine will cost much more than privately-funded care because it includes no incentives for cost-savings or efficiency;
  • etc.
See anything "good" about any of the above?

Socialized medicine does not raise the availability or the standard of care for anyone. It does just the opposite: it reduces availalibility and standard of care to its lowest common denominator, spreads availability and care very wide and dismally thin over the entire population.

In addition, if health care is a matter of government policy, social engineering becomes an imperative, because we'll all be paying for fat peoples' heart attacks and for skinny peoples' anorexia. We'll be compelled -- by law and burdensome taxation -- to strive for some kind of plain-vanilla somewhere-in-the-middle "healthy" behavior. 'Course, the standard of healthy behavior changes every few years and according to every published study. So we'll all just be pushed and pulled in every direction, mindless lumps of flesh for the Health Care Czar to experiment with.

Eat a pound of broccoli every day. No! Too much vitamin K. Do 50 crunches before work every morning. And die of cardiac arrest. Medicine isn't an exact science. I think standardization and best practices would be very hard to come by without trial-and-error on hundreds of thousands of patients.

Like, some people thought thalidomide was really cool for pregnant women. Unti there was an epidemic of babies born with two or three heads. And estrogen-replacement therapy? Estrogen makes things grow -- including cancers. 

So what's right and wrong here?

Do you "help" people by making them dependent? By taking away their right to make their own decisions and live their own lives? By eliminating their incentive for acting on their own behalf? By divorcing actions from consequences?

Those in favor of socialized medicine regard the American public as 300 millions toddlers who don't know what they're doing and are incapable of running their own lives and making their own decisions. Personally, I find that very insulting. And the thought of an Anthony Weiner making my meal choices is sort of revolting.

So we're too stupid to manage our own health care, but the ultimately we have to make enough money to pay truckloads of taxes for this socialized health care scheme. Funny how we're bright and able enough to pay for other peoples' government-dictated insurance, but not our own. What's wrong with this picture?

Or, in the words of Margaret Thatcher, "The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples' money."

Then no one gets health care and you can't even pay your rent.

Sound like a "good" plan?

As an added bonus, the free market in health care is destroyed. Or goes underground. That may be the best outcome of socialized medicine -- it promotes the development of an unregulated black market. But that only means tougher decisions for citizens, who would be dealing with largely unreliable information about providers and services.

So tell me again, is socialized medicine a "good" thing? Now tell me what your reasoning is based on except for what's come to be known as "liberal guilt" and its up-side: self-serving liberal totalitarianism, or what Mark Levin calls "soft tyranny."

"Good" for who?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

...But he plays one in the movies

World War II scholar Tom Hanks appeared on (was it) NBC Wednesday morning. Apparently after a really close reading of the screenplay for "South Pacific," Hanks has determined: "They [the Japanese] wanted to kill us because we were different. We wanted to kill them because they were different." He added that this is not so very different from what's going on today.

Hey, Tom, are you aware that the Japanese, in a sneak attack, just about totally anihilated the USA's entire Pacific fleet? This was just about dawn on December 7, 1941. You never heard about the attack on Pearl Harbor? That's in Hawaii. Hawaii wasn't a state then, but the US military bases there provided an irresistable target. Most of our Pacific fleet was all pretty much lumped into one harbor. The Japanese could wipe them all out in about an hour.

Not to shock you too much.... One often-quoted sailor who saw the whole thing said "it was raining sailors" when the bombs hit the ships. Guys trying to escape, and I imagine some of them -- just  pieces of them falling into the sea.

See, Hitler had sort of an alliance with the Japanese. Hitler certainly didn't believe that Asians were half as worthy as Aryans, but he thought he'd let the Japanese conquer Asia and the Pacific while he [Hitler] was getting Europe under control. Then he was going to crush Japan, or at least make it clear to them who was really running things.

Hitler didn't believe America would fight. He saw the USA more as a kind of huge warehouse and factory for its European allies.

Ha-ha!! We sure taught him a thing or two, didn't we? Remember "Saving Private Ryan," Tom? That was supposed to be in Europe during World War II. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, we threw in with the Allies to help end the war there before focusing on Japan in the Pacific.

Any of this sound sort of familiar, Tom? You and I both were born after the worst was over, but I've actually spoken to people who lived through it. My uncle was a dive-bomber pilot, shooting down Japanese Kamikaze planes before they could destroy US ships.

My mother and one of my brothers actually met Audie Murphy once. He was a highly-decorated soldier in World War II. He was still a teenager when he joined up. He's buried right across the tour bus turnaround near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Cemetary. I mean, he's really there. It really did happen. He wrote a book about it and even starred in a movie about his exploits during the war. Maybe you missed that one. I don't recall any racism in either the book or the movie, but you know how Americans are, sweeping things under the carpet and all....

And, of course, Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- the atom bomb, that is -- those were just more proof of American racism.

I used to work with a guy named Henry who worked on The Bomb, or the undercarriage to carry it. See, they couldn't make the bomb bay doors on the plane big enough to drop the damn thing, so they had to carry it under the plane. Henry had absolutely no idea what he was engineering, or the purpose of it. He was in Baltimore and not allowed outside the place where he was working. But when he heard the news about Hiroshima, he figured it out.

I also had the opportunity to interview a guy who served on the Indianapolis. Remember "Jaws," Tom? That Steven Spielberg movie? You know Steven Spielberg. Ask him. The Indianapolis was the ship that "delivered the bomb," as Robert Shaw explained to Richard Dreyfus. So they delivered the bomb, under radio silence and all. No one -- not even the Navy -- knew where they were. Then the ship was bombed by the Japanese, and the crew ended up in the water, fodder for a shark feeding frenzy for a couple days.

When I interviewed this guy, I wasn't aware of the history of the Indianapolis. Someone told him to tell me his story. He laid his head on the table and cried like a baby. He didn't have any legs, but I don't know if that was because of the sharks or due to diabetes or something. And he was black.

But this is all about American racism against Asians, right? So I guess we can include blacks in that, right? After all, blacks can hate Asians as much as white people can, right?

Anyway, exactly what do you think was driving Hitler? And the USA stopped him. Why on earth did we do that? Had we been on the other side in Europe -- if we'd supported Hitler -- maybe right now the world would be populated entirely by white people of European descent, and not even a Jew left in the whole bunch. I guess we really blew that one, huh?  We could have turned Japan -- and anyone else we don't like -- into marshmallow fluff, but we didn't for some reason.

And you know what else? Hitler had talks with people from the Middle East, too, not just the Japanese. He convinced a few of these leaders to re-name their country "Iran." Know what "Iran" means in English? It means "Aryan." Odd coincidence, huh? Jeez, and they hate Jews, too, and hate Americans because we're friends with Israel. Funny how we American racists and bigots keep ending up on the "wrong side" of the racist-bigot thing, isn't it?

Hey, Tom, no offense, but don't quit your day job.

Monday, March 8, 2010

When democrats lose their marbles...

Interesting news day today. The democrats are losing it -- their grip, their confidence, and all their marbles.

This Massa guy, a D-Rep from NY who apparently has been busted for making advances to a guy in his office, offered a 90-minute radio tirade today, saying he was framed by the White House, Ram Emanual, et. al., because he voted "no" for socialized medicine. Not sure I believe him, but then again, I have no reason not to believe him. The democrats haven't demonstrated any ethics so far, after all.

Then the Comrade gave a speech at some college near Philadelphia. Saw clips. He's tipping his hand. He said something like, "Insurance companies ration insurance to the sick and the healthy based on who can pay." And, "Insurance works for insurance companies, not for the American people."

Which I found rather baldly marxist. Sure, insurance companies "ration" insurance to people based on whether or not they can pay, just as grocery stores "ration" milk and bread to people based on who can pay, just as WalMart "rations" T-shirts and Korean-made tennis shoes to people based on who can pay, just as banks "ration" home mortgages to people based on who can pay... OOPS!

That's right. Banks were ordered by the feds to "ration" home mortgages to everyone, whether or not they could pay. And the entire financial structure of the USA ended up on the brink of total collapse. Jeez, who could see that coming? That one little marxist giveaway could mess all that up?

At any rate, the Comrade demonstrates once again his marxist ideological roots (and shoots and branches) and absolute ignorance of the free market and free enterprise.

He just doesn't get it.

Another good hoot from the other side of the world:  Iran's Abracadabrajab announced today that the 9/11 terrorist attack was all a scam. It never really happened. We made it all up as an excuse to attack Afghanistan.

And this idiot has been to NYC and seen the hole where the WTC once stood. Boy, somebody needs a strait jacket.

Or maybe a couple people could use them. For their own good, of course. So they won't hurt themselves or anyone else.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Weiner: Now's the time for a power grab

Just saw fast-talking socialist-opportunist Anthony Weiner (D-NY) on Fox. He wants to put the public option back into the socialized medicine bill. Megyn Kelly asked him if he was nuts. The public option was the key objection to the House bill, being a sure step towards totalitarianism in the USA.

Weiner, the weiner, says they couldn't get the bill through with the public option before because at the time they needed 60 votes in the Senate. Since now Reid and Pelosi have decided to do away with the tradtional procedures in congress that protect individual rights, the bill would need only 51 votes to pass the Senate by mob-rule rules.

Weiner is positive there are enough power-hungry despots in the Senate to get 51 votes. Looking at the list of addle-brained, uninformed, and corrupt suck-ups on the dem side of the aisle, he may be right. Certainly Reid can buy a couple extra votes from these slobs if necessary. Maybe he can arrange to have the Comrade throw them a barbecue. That ought to do it. They're so easily impressed and so unaware of anything like human rights.

So what Weiner proposes -- because he's an obnoxious, overly-aggressive opportunist (don't buy a used car or anything else from this jerk!) -- is to not shove a toilet bowl full of crap down the throats of the American public... He sees the chance to permanently attach the end of sewer pipe to every citizen and just keep pumping shit into each and every one of us non-stop. And he's sure we'll all just love it. He suggests that we would "choose" that.

I wonder where he grew up. He's so full of shit he can't even conceive of being shit-free. He's totally unaware of shit-free as a preferable way of life. Apparently he's never experienced it himself. He talks about what congress can pass, not what the public is interested in. He's a typical bullshit, shit-for-brains, cross-eyed, power-grabbing wannabe totalitarian.

And of course, the weiner knows what's best for all of us. We can't make up our own minds -- and he refuses to accept the idea that we've been down this road before with the Town Halls and all of that. The public option got a noisy and very determined "NO!" from the public already. Next time people might show up with more than hand-made signs -- if that's the only way we can get rid of these blockheads in congress.

Get it, weiner?

Who elected this asshole? They ought to be ashamed.

I think that loony who tried to attack the Pentagon last night just picked the wrong target.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Comrade's "Dancing Ito's"

Anyone remember the bit they used to do on the Jay Leno Tonight Show when O.J. Simpson was on trial? At least once a week, Jay would bring out a chorus line of guys dressed up like Judge Ito in judicial robes to do a little dance.

I watched the Comrade's announcement on his "new and improved" socialized medicine scheme today, and preceding him at the podium were several people dressed up in white lab coats and surgical scrubs. His version of the Dancing Ito's? I expected them to link arms and start high-kicking like the Rockettes.

Anyway, he didn't say anything new. I'm beginning to question his legendary intelligence. I could write a better bill to improve health care, and my formal legal education consists of about a half-dozen courses in political science and one course in First Amendement case law.

At any rate, he droned on for twenty minutes about the same old garbage. He brought up the issue of accountability first. Like, he says the insurance companies are solely accountable now for rising health care premiums. Like they're on an unregulated spree of sticking it to consumers to beef up their profits.

Well, with the government mandating that no one be turned away from hopsital emergency rooms, similar regulations to provide health care for illegal aliens, Medicare and Medicaid only partially funding the costs of care delivered and providers dumping the unfunded expenses on private patients and their insurance, I don't see how even the Comrade can say the insurance companies should be blamed for rising health care costs. The more you extend services to people who can't or won't pay for it, the higher the expenses are and the higher insurance premiums will be to cover those costs. With no additional profits for insurance carriers, I might add.

Tom Coburn (R-OK), I believe, made the very good point that if the government seized all the profits from all the insurance companies, it would pay for about three days of health care.

So, Comrade, that's one stupid argument you lose for several reasons, as cited above, and more exist -- like over-use of the system for trivial complaints, over-testing to fend off claims of malpractice, forcing people to buy coverage for things they'll never need, like fertility treatments for senior citizens, etc.

Direct quote, the Comrade says, "Taxpayers end up subsidizing the uninsured if they go to emergency rooms...."

So his solution: get taxpayers to fund everyone, whether or not they go to emergency rooms. Somehow the logic escapes me.

It just doesn't make any sense. Socialized medicine can't possibly cut costs unless the government institutes severe rationing policies -- and the government is the only entity that could enforce such a thing nationwide and applicable to every health care situation.

But what's really funny.... the Comrade believes that health care-by-legislation is what will "give people control of their health care."

Yeah... like right now, 57% of the population is AGAINST socialized medicine, and the Comrade wants to ram it through congress on reconciliation. IS THIS AN EXAMPLE OF HOW "THE PEOPLE" WILL BE "IN CONTROL" OF HEALTH CARE? By eliminating their control of the legislative process?

What a fool. And a liar. And a knee-jerk marxist.

Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Minority Leader in the House, offered a response. He made a very good point. He said, "This is not an argument between Republicans and Democrats. It's an argument between the Democrats and the American People."

He nailed it.

And if you look at the list of "Resources" on this blog, you'll see a link to a list who in the House voted for the dreaded HR3200. I didn't post a link for the Senate, because the vote was so perfectly along party lines. That is, if your senator is a democrat, they voted for the bill; if they're  Republican, they voted against. I will post the same link when the current legislation goes through the House again, and also through the Senate on reconciliation.

We all need to know who to vote for and who to NOT vote for in November. If this piece of crap passes, we will need promises from any candidate that if they win, they will work to repeal it as a first order of business, before it does too much damage.

The democrats now are making a glib and very stupid argument that "once the bill passes, people will love it."


Remember that, congresscritters, before you vote.

Monday, March 1, 2010

What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine

Chile had a 8.8 earthquake over the weekend. The earth is falling apart, and I'm sure the IPCC is laboring to contrive a way to blame it all on the burning of fossil fuels.

Obviously, the earth's plates are shifting. Japan suffered a large quake earlier -- offshore, so it didn't do too much damage on shore. At the other edge of the plate, Chile gets battered. And Haiti? I don't think they're anywhere near the same geologic plate, but all the plates fit together like puzzle pieces. Push one, and there's a chain reaction. Chile is more developed than Haiti and better prepared to handle a disaster, but the quake is a rather huge disaster. They have my hopes and even confidence for recovery.

But let's consider Argentina for a moment, which also suffered a huge disaster -- a man-made disaster, in fact, from which it may never recover.

On Feb. 19, I wrote a blog called "Federal intervention wrecks another maybe-good idea." In that blog, I outlined Argentina's private pension system -- like our Social Security. The citizens had to take so-much out of their incomes to set aside for their pensions, but the money was invested in private commerce and industry, managed by private investment firms. The system was launched in 1994, based on a scheme devised by free market economists. In the blog, I said I didn't know what had become of it. So I looked it up.

From the Wall Street Journal, Oct. 22, 2008:

BUENOS AIRES -- Hemmed in by the global financial squeeze and commodities slump, Argentina's leftist government has seemingly found a novel way to find the money to stay afloat: cracking open the piggybank of the nation's private pension system. The government proposed to nationalize the private pensions, which would provide it with much of the cash it needs to meet debt payments and avoid a second default this decade.

The move came as wealthy nations unveiled fresh steps to fight the credit crunch. The U.S. Federal Reserve said it would bolster money-market funds, which have faced withdrawals, by lending as much as $540 billion to the industry. France said it would inject $14 billion into six banks on condition they agree to increase their lending. In a sign banks were a little more willing to lend to each other, the London interbank offered rate, a benchmark for many business and consumer loans, again declined.

Argentine President Cristina Kirchner said the move to take over the private pension system was aimed at protecting investors from losses resulting from global market turmoil. Funds in the system, which is parallel to a government pension system, are administered by financial firms.
The private system has about $30 billion in assets and generates about $5 billion in new contributions each year.
While no one knows for sure what the government would do with the private system, economists said nationalization would let the government raid new pension contributions to cover short-term debts due in coming years.
Pretty sad, huh? While the USA was bailing out financial institutions that were better left alone, and nationalizing the auto industry, Argentina raided its citizens' pension funds. How did they get away with it? Here's more from the Washington Post on Nov. 21, 2008:
"During its 14 years in existence, the private system never achieved what was needed. This project will permit us to undo a path of errors that were committed. It will be a difficult path, but a brave one," said Sen. Julio Miranda of Tucuman, who voted in favor of the bill.
The public system would pay out a set amount to pensioners, unlike a private system that could vacillate more widely depending on the market.
The director of Argentina's social security agency, Amado Boudou, vowed to protect the value of people's investments.
"The income from the government's new system will be better than what the private pension agencies have been giving to its members," he told Argentina's America24 television on Thursday. "We have thought for a long time that the private pension system here did not function well, and when we brought this proposal to the lawmakers, we realized that we were right because the majority of them supported it."
After the proposal was announced last month, stocks in Argentina tumbled and investors dumped Argentine bonds amid fears that the nation's economy faced severe problems and could be heading toward a second debt default, such as occurred during the country's 2001 economic collapse.
"The announced nationalization-expropriation of the Argentine pension funds constitutes one of the most blatant acts of financial piracy in the country's recent history," wrote Claudio Loser, senior fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue, in the Latin American Advisor newsletter. "The proposed expropriation would eliminate individual savings, and convert them into a pay-as-you-go system, with large funds that could be spent almost freely by the Argentine government."
Sen. Ernesto Sanz of Mendoza, who opposed the nationalization, said: "We don't have any doubt that this is violating the right to private property. Not just for us, but for all society and the world. This is clearly confiscation."
The lower house of Argentina's National Congress approved the bill earlier this month. Officials said they expect the new system to be in place by the end of the year.
Let's see if I have this right. The Argentine government has suffered financial collapses in the past and fears another. So it nationalizes private pension funds because the private pension fund is "unstable." What's wrong with this picture? Seems the private pension fund was much more stable than the government economy.

So it doesn't seem to matter which nation or which politicians -- they just can't keep their sticky, greedy little fingers out of citizens' cookie jars. What the hell is wrong with these people? And Argentina's excuse for stealing its citizens' pensions is the same song & dance we heard about the bail-outs, etc., and continue to hear about nationalizing the health care industry here.

Anyone who trusts these people must be suffering from some kind of brain damage.